Access samples and data collected and generated by the HoloFood project.
Details for MGYG000308398, a genome assembled from HoloFood chicken metagenomes
Genomes in MGnify Genome Catalogues are clustered by sequence similarity, at the species level. A cluster representative genome is chosen as the best quality genome for each cluster. This representative may or may not be from HoloFood data.
View MGYG000309943 on MGnifyMGYG000308398’s cluster representative genome MGYG000309943 has been annotated by MGnify’s Genomes pipeline. CAZy (Carbohydrate-Active enZymes) annotations are particularly relevant to HoloFood’s experimental goals, and this graphic shows the number of CAZy annotations on MGYG000309943 from each CAZy category.
MGYG000308398’s cluster representative (MGYG000309943) has been searched for in all HoloFood samples, using a sourmash-based tool. These samples contain some or all of the kmers in MGYG000309943’s sequence. Because MGYG000308398 has been clustered with MGYG000309943 at 95% sequence similarity, this indicates that these samples are likely to contain MGYG000308398.