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Viral contig viewer

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Chicken Gut v1.0 viral catalogue

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Viral sequence ID Parent contig Type Taxonomy View
ERZ11751823.504-NODE-504-length-6881-cov-5.265163|viral_sequence ERZ11751823.504-NODE-504-length-6881-cov-5.265163 viral_sequence View contig
Cluster representative of 1 other viral fragment. View cluster
ERZ4933506.7920-NODE-7920-length-4143-cov-4.475538|viral_sequence ERZ4933506.7920-NODE-7920-length-4143-cov-4.475538 viral_sequence View contig

Analysis summaries

Documents written by HoloFood partners and collaborators relevant to the Chicken Gut v1.0 Viral Catalogue