HoloFood Data Portal

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SAMEA10158026: CB03.02C1a

Sample data for SAMEA10158026, a HoloFood metagenomic-assembly chicken sample

Sample details
Chicken SAMEA112905254
Sample type
Metagenomic / metatranscriptomic data icon metagenomic-assembly
API endpoint
/api/samples/SAMEA10158026 Copy API Endpoint
Sample metadata

Metadata for sample SAMEA10158026, stored in BioSamples and ENA.

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Ena Checklist metadata

Marker Measurement Units
ENA-FIRST-PUBLIC 2023-03-22 None
ENA-LAST-UPDATE 2023-03-22 None
External Id SAMEA10158026 None
INSDC first public 2023-03-22T12:21:57Z None
INSDC last update 2023-03-22T12:21:57Z None
INSDC status public None
SRA accession ERS7814513 None
Submitter Id CB03_02C1a_metaG None
collection date 2019-05-06 None
common name Chicken Gut Metagenome None
description Chicken gut metagenomic data from Ileum content; animal CB03.02 from cage CB03 with treatment CC None
geographic location (country and/or sea) Spain None
geographic location (latitude) 41.17 DD
geographic location (longitude) 1.1685 DD
geographic location (region and locality) El Morell; Tarragona None
host body site Ileum content None
host breed Cobb None
host common name Chicken None
host diet treatment Control None
host disease status Campylobacter:-;Salmonella:-;Clostridium:- None
host scientific name Gallus gallus None
host sex male None
host storage container temperature 21 °C
host subject id CB03.02 None
host taxid 9031 None
host total mass 180 g
library name BEMT None
library selection PCR None
nucleic acid extraction D-rex protocol None
organism chicken gut metagenome None
project HoloFood None
project name HoloFood Chicken - Priority chicken ileum content None
reference host genome for decontamination GCF_000002315.6 None
sample storage buffer Shield None
sample storage container E-matrix 2ml None
sample storage location UCPH None
sample storage temperature -20 °C
sample volume or weight for DNA extraction 0.2 mL
scientific_name chicken gut metagenome None
sequencing method MGISEQ-2000 None
title CB03.02C1a None
trial length 35 day
trial timepoint 7 day

Sample metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Body site ileum content None
Experiment metagenomics None
Organism Chicken None
Project HoloFood None
Sample code CB03.02C1a None

Treatment metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Treatment code CC None
Treatment name Control None

Trial metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Trial code CB None
Trial description Trial 2 None
Trial end 2019-05-19 None
Trial start 2019-04-21 None

Sample SAMEA10158026 may have been analysed by MGnify. Lookup sample on MGnify


Empty set icon

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Analysis accession Run/assembly accession MGnify pipeline version Experiment type Detail
Empty set icon

No analyses found in MGnify

Nucleotide sequencing data

Sample SAMEA10158026 has nucleotide sequencing data in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA): 19,604,959,673bp sequenced by 133,413,116 reads. View sample SAMEA10158026 in ENA

Related records in ENA

Data domain Accession Title/alias
Sample SAMEA10158026 CB03.02C1a
Reads (Run) ERR6889849 ena-RUN-UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN-01-10-2021-10:04:40:352-1
Reads (Experiment) ERX6513267 DNBSEQ-G400 paired end sequencing
Project/Study PRJEB47609 HoloFood Chicken Ileum Metagenome – deeply sequenced batch

Analysis summaries

Documents written by HoloFood partners and collaborators relevant to Sample SAMEA10158026