HoloFood Data Portal

Access samples and data collected and generated by the HoloFood project.

SAMEA112905436: CA04.01A3a_Histology

Sample data for SAMEA112905436, a HoloFood histological chicken sample

Sample details
Chicken SAMEA112905028
Sample type
Histology data icon histological
API endpoint
/api/samples/SAMEA112905436 Copy API Endpoint
Sample data

Metadata for sample SAMEA112905436, stored in BioSamples and ENA.

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Ena Checklist metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Organism Gallus gallus None
project HoloFood None

Histology metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Acidic goblet cell density 1.57 per 100um
Acidic goblet cell number 3.9 None
CD3VillusBase 28.26 per 1000um squared
CD3VillusBaseEP 25.22 per 1000um squared
CD3VillusBaseLP 33.07 per 1000um squared
CD3VillusTip 30.9 per 1000um squared
CD3VillusTipEP 29 per 1000um squared
CD3VillusTipLP 35.17 per 1000um squared
CD3crypt 17.98 per 1000um squared
CD3cryptEP 24.54 per 1000um squared
CD3cryptLP 11.42 per 1000um squared
Crypt depth 170.2 um
Epithelial area 46.71 per 1000um squared
Mixed goblet cell density 16.86 per 100um
Mixed goblet cell number 41.86 None
Total goblet cell density 18.43 per 100um
Total goblet cell number 45.76 None
Villus height 248.3 um
Villus height: crypt depth ratio 1.46 um/um
Villus width 188.1 um

Sample metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Body site ileum tissue None
Experiment histology None
Organism Chicken None
Project HoloFood None
Sample code CA04.01A3a None

Treatment metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Treatment code CC None
Treatment name Control None

Trial metadata

Marker Measurement Units
Trial code CA None
Trial description Trial 1 None
Trial end 2019-03-11 None
Trial start 2019-02-04 None

Analysis summaries

Documents written by HoloFood partners and collaborators relevant to Sample SAMEA112905436